MLB 「2万8000食分の非常食」「故郷へ自らの手で物資を配布」「マイナーリーガーの生活支援」――感染拡大の中でメジャーリーガーたちが行うさまざまな支援 2020.04.11 この投稿をInstagramで見る Recently the @mlb announced they will be continuing to send paychecks to players while the season is suspended. @kateupton and I have decided to donate those funds to a different organization each week so that we can support their efforts and highlight the great work they’re doing during the COVID-19 crisis. Everyone around the world is affected by this virus, and we hope to contribute to the families and jobs affected, the healthcare workers and first responders on the front lines and the many others in need of basic necessities, medical supplies and support at home. As soon as the first paycheck is received we will be highlighting the first organization. We know everyone is impacted by this crisis, but for those who are able, we encourage you to stay home to help flatten the curve and look to those around you who need a helping hand. #covid19 #flattenthecurve Justin Verlander(@justinverlander)がシェアした投稿 - 2020年 4月月4日午前8時38分PDT 前 1 2 3 関連記事 NY在住20年以上のスポーツライター杉浦大介が見た「ロックダウン下の現実」とアメリカスポーツ界の未来 「20秒以上洗うこと!」マエケンがミキ・昴生につなげる手洗いの輪!SafeHandsチャレンジに挑戦 新型コロナウイルス感染拡大を受け、プロ野球、開幕日が白紙に。「来たるべき開幕の時は、元気や勇気を届けたい!」 "ミスター・タイガー"と呼ばれたレジェンドが死去。球界から追悼のメッセージが続々と…