フィギュア 「素晴らしいメッセージ!」と称賛が相次ぐ! 強くて美しい、フィギュアスケーター・長洲未来がコロナによる人種差別を批判 THE DIGEST編集部 2020.03.20 この投稿をInstagramで見る It seems a little insensitive to be posting on social media amidst all of the things going on, but I find myself scrolling through social media more, especially with the increased amount of time I’ve been staying at home. Every day I’m reminded of how lucky and fortunate I am and though I am agnostic, I am grateful for the people around me and the things I have. Most importantly, I’m proud of being Asian American. Even though I’m not Chinese, I still feel uncomfortable that our POTUS tweets about Covid-19 being the Chinese virus. I’ve been raised to believe that everyone is an equal, regardless of gender or ethnicity, so I’m always thrown off when I see signs of racism. Although it’s not within my nature to do anything about it, please know that we see the racism and as a community, we try to rise above it by continuing on with our daily lives. Stay safe and keep washing your hands! ♥️ 📷: @christopherhuangphotography Mirai Nagasu(@mirainagasu)がシェアした投稿 - 2020年 3月月19日午前9時25分PDT 前 1 2 関連記事 「美しき芸術家たち!」ザギトワ、コストルナヤ、ワリエワ…ロシアが誇る最強スケーター軍団が“マスク姿”で揃い踏み! いまを時めく人気俳優と貴重な2ショット! 本田望結が“家政婦のミタ”時代の美少女カットを蔵出し! 「貴重なショット」「何を着ててもかわいい」浅田真央さんのレアな柔道着姿にファンから賞賛の嵐 マラソン人類最速男・キプチョゲが、コロナ対策に積極行動!SNSで公開した手洗いメッセージに感謝と賛同の声 「剣を必要としないマタドール」「ゴージャスマン!」中邑真輔の闘牛士姿を海外ファンが絶賛!