モータースポーツ 「私は深く悲しんでいる」F1王者のハミルトンが、オーストラリア森林火災に胸を痛め、50万ドルの義援金をSNSで公表 THE DIGEST編集部 2020.01.11 この投稿をInstagramで見る It saddens me deeply to know that over 1 billion animals in Australia died a painful death, no way out, not their fault. My love of animals is no secret and I can’t help but grieve for the defenceless animals thought to have died so far, pushing certain species closer to extinction. I’m lucky enough to visit Australia often and I know first-hand how beautiful the country is. Keep fighting Australia. I’ve spent some time speaking to people in Australia who are working at the heart of this and I’m filled with admiration for everything they are doing. I implore you to join me in thinking about the impact we are having on our planet. Let’s work together to make small changes, and encourage our family and friends to do the same, so we can help shift the direction we’re going in. I’m donating $500K to support @wireswildliferescue @wwf_australia and the Rural Fire Services. If you are able and haven’t already, you can donate too. Every little helps. Animals: @wireswildliferescue @wwf_australia Rural Fire Services: @nswrfs @cfavic @rfbaq @dfes_wa @cfsfoundation #TasmanianFireService #PrayingForAustralia Lewis Hamilton(@lewishamilton)がシェアした投稿 - 2020年 1月月9日午前8時49分PST 前 1 2 関連記事 F1王者アロンソがダカールラリーに初挑戦。世界3大レースの制覇を目指す“最強ドライバー”の新たなる冒険 2人のレジェンドが夢の競演!F1ハミルトン、MotoGPロッシが愛機を交換して“ガチ“走行 「私の人生で最高の経験…」女性初のバイクレース世界王者、アナ・カラスコが過ごした夢の時間 「生ける伝説」から「トップガン」まで――MotoGPの新旧・男前ライダー10名を紹介! 那須川天心、元ONE世界王者との豪華2ショットに「絵になりますね~」。スパーリング動画も