モータースポーツ 「これまで以上の準備ができている」筋肉の鎧をまとってF1に臨むハミルトンが、鍛え上げられた肉体を披露! 甘利隆 2020.03.11 この投稿をInstagramで見る Every year I try to find the right balance between being the fittest athlete I can be, a good businessman and deliver on all platforms. It is far from easy but I give it my all. I listen to my body, fuel it to the best of my knowledge. This year, I’ve managed to push further and be fitter and stronger than the years before which I’m so happy about. I feel more ready than ever as I embark on my journey to the first race of the season. I just want to encourage you all out there, your body and mind are one. Take care of it, feed your body and your mind with the right ingredients. Health is wealth! If you believe you can’t do something that is just the wrong attitude because you can do anything you put your mind to. You need to develop a positive frame of mind and working out will help you do that and feel better about yourself. I know you can do it, now you need to know it too!! #teamlh #youcandoit #believeinyourself Lewis Hamilton(@lewishamilton)がシェアした投稿 - 2020年 3月月7日午後12時36分PST 前 1 2 関連記事 「涙が止まりません」兄と慕った亡き富沢祥也に捧げる、長島哲太がMoto2・カタールGP初優勝! 「今年はもっとうまくなるよ」F1界の絶対王者、ハミルトンが奏でるピアノに心打たれるファン続出。 世界的ピアニストも感銘の腕前 「私は深く悲しんでいる」F1王者のハミルトンが、オーストラリア森林火災に胸を痛め、50万ドルの義援金をSNSで公表 2人のレジェンドが夢の競演!F1ハミルトン、MotoGPロッシが愛機を交換して“ガチ“走行